
Respect My Red is deeply appreciative of the support provided by these incredible companies, organizations, law firms, and other groups for our growth and work.

13 Reasons Why
Netflix TV show

Jason Prentice provided a fabulous vehicle for discussion when he was able to present at Respect My Red Cherry Creek 2018!

For getting out the word about RMR on your Office of Women’s Health website.

Allison Korman set the efficacy standard for data-driven education and RMR met these standards!

Providing instruction at Elmira’s Residential Training Institute about survivor support.

Providing support for our trainings with well-informed staff.

Jim Taylor provided engaging content and thoughtful analysis for schools at our events.

Nancy Conrad has been a well-received, rock-star at our training events, webinars and conferences.

Will Hannum provided astute education and analysis of risk pertaining to sexual misconduct at nearly a dozen of our training institutes.

John Freund’s quick wit and helpful presentations have been a highlight for attendees.

RMR has provided a bridge of knowledge and experience around sexual misconduct for our Respect My Red Leadership Institute Administrator Attendees.

Sarah Bouchard is a superstar on Title IX and sexual misconduct.

Linda Johnson is exemplar in educating school leaders on Title IX and Sexual Misconduct.

Ashley Perkinson’s commitment to school safety and nonprofit mission is greatly appreciated.

Providing instruction on sexual assault prevention and motivating so many to attend our New York Event.

A generous donation and fun stress test for our Residential RMR was a great addition.

For nourishing hungry team members with your delicious pizzas.

For donating thousands of temporary tattoos!

Respect my Red because I am powerful and no one can take that away from me.

Tess Martin

Silver Spring, Maryland

I found the great value in Katie’s presentation to be twofold – one, it opened their eyes to the reality of date rape that they may encounter in college. And, her presentation didn’t treat them like they would all be perpetrators of this type of crime, but rather that they can prevent it if they see warning signs of it happening to others. Katie’s story was incredibly powerful and catalyzed important and meaningful discussion in our subsequent reflection sessions. Also, speaking as a woman, it was important to me to see our students engage with this topic and Katie held their attention well.

Maura Toomb

Director of Campus Ministry

It would be my pleasure to recommend that Georgetown Prep bring Katie in to speak to your young men. When she was here, speaking with our seniors, you could hear a pin drop in the room. Perhaps most importantly, she tells her story in a way that is not accusatory or reproachful, demanding that those who hear it be extra vigilant about their own decision making… but rather, in the model of creating “men and women for and with others”, Katie encourages her audience to be active in social settings where they believe something that is not quite right may be taking place. To intervene or diffuse. I’m certain we will continue to have Katie back to speak to our upperclassmen.

Anthony D. Locricchio

Dean of Student Life, Saint Peter's Preparatory School