Exploring respect in all forms
Message and Instruction
Each program is created using our KABB model: Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior and Bystander skills. RMR participants understand inappropriate and unacceptable situations, and learn about the reaction of victims in these situations, so as to combat the culture of victim-blaming and rape myths in sexual violence cases. With this knowledge and understanding, participants then work through a series of case studies, allowing each individual to critically assess his or her behavior in a simulated, high-risk setting. RMR empowers students to not only demand respect for themselves and with their partners, but also to actively ensure the respect of their peers through bystander intervention training. Participants are emboldened to take action when something in their respective environment doesn’t look right.
Examples of concepts covered:
- The right to be a red light
- Consent
- Alcohol/ other drugs
- Dating and relationship abuse/violence
- Sexual assault, exploitation, and coercion
- Respectful communication and stalking /harassment
Start Planning
Plan a keynote event, an awareness week in April, or a session around Valentine’s Day. Contact us with your ideas and start planning!